If you haven’t checked out PixelSquid, today may be a great day to do so. Why? Because pixelsquid.com is in beta testing right now and all of there stock imagery is free. Now when I say stock imagery, don’t think of this as normal stock imagery… this is super-stock imagery in that you can rotate any of there objects 360 degrees and get the angle you need for your composite and then download a PSD (yes I said .psd file) with the object isolated and a shadow layer along with other lighting/selection goodies. So if you have known the angst of founding that great stock image, but you couldn’t use it because the angle was just a touch off… now you can be angst free. When I showed this to be buddy and amazing graphic designer Margie, she called this a “game changer.” I like to say this site is for those of us who want great 3d imagery, but are not deep into the 3D world with its meshes and extra lighting etc… I can make up composites so much faster now. They are crisper and cleaner and I didn’t have to do any selecting and refining. It is a joy to find all of the great objects… so much so that my hard drive is getting tired of saving every possible angle of a butterfly, a plane, or a tree. I am like a kid in a candy store and I hpe that is how you will feel too when you check it out. pixelsquid.com tell them Pete sent you.
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